Choosing the right supplier when ordering a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) is critical for individuals with diabetes who rely on these devices to monitor their blood glucose levels.

When considering a supplier there are three main things to look at.

  • Do they take your insurance? Whether it be Medicare or commercial insurance, if the supplier is not in contract with your insurance provider, they cannot help you.

  • Free Shipping! Make sure the supplier you choose provides free shipping. If they don't, use a different supplier

  • Customer Service! This could be the most important factor when choosing a CGM supplier. When dealing with insurance and technological products, things don't always go according to plan. Coverage might change, you may lose a sensor, or a package could get lost. In all of these cases, you want to be able to call up your supplier and speak to a knowledgeable HUMAN that can get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it.

We have compiled a list of 5 CGM providers based on customer feedback and Google Reviews.